"Rohan combines all the elements of basic fantasy -- a young hero, mentors, villains, something to be saved, special powers and, of course, magical creatures -- with great storytelling that appeals to a wide audience." KIRKUS REVIEWS

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The WEAVERWORLD FANTASY SERIES goes to the Toronto International Book Fair!

The first (and hopefully, annual) Toronto International Book Fair took place November 13 to 16 at the Toronto Convention Centre, and "Weaverworld" was there!

With the help of some beloved Toronto friends, I was able to take a booth at the show, and display the "Weaverworld Fantasy Series" to hundreds of book-lovers. Not only that, but I got to meet some very generous and enthusiastic people in the book business who were willing to share great contacts and advice.

But I'm not just an author. I'm a book fan too! Luckily I was placed near the Main Stage and got to hear and watch some fantastic speeches from some very notable authors. See the photos below!

On Friday, kids waited eagerly to see DAV PILKEY,
Author of "Captain Underpants". Also present at the fair were JEFF KINNEY,
GORDON KORMAN, and RICHARD SCRIMGER, among many others.
The actress MEG TILLY, spoke about her book "Behind the Scenes"
and read her children's book later in an intimate venue. Lucky kids!

One of my favourites, ANNE RICE spoke about her new book
"Prince Lestat: The Vampire Chronicles"

Vancouver-based sci-fi author WILLIAM GIBSON talked
about his new book "The Peripheral".

Coroner and crime-writer KATHY REICHS took the stage
to discuss her latest book, "Bones Never Lie".

MARGARET ATWOOD had a packed house for her talk. Sporting
shark mittens, she was amusing, inspiring, and challenging.

My new BFF, LEV GROSSMAN, bestselling author of "The Magician"
and its sequels, was kind enough to sign my copy of "The Magician King",
and to plug "Weaverworld".
At the end of each author interview, the microphones were opened to the public for questions. I was very moved by the candor and passion of Anne Rice, Kathy Reichs and Margaret Atwood, in particular, who spoke about writing and getting published. They shared insights and anecdotes that were both encouraging and entertaining. The most important thing, they said, was just to WRITE! Not to be discouraged or put off, but just to continue working at it with heart and passion. Very good advice indeed!

I hope to return to the Toronto Book Fair in 2016 with the third book of the Weaverworld Fantasy Series. I'm even thinking of creating a board game for "Weaverworld: Grimsnipe's Revenge" as another way of sharing the story. I'll keep you posted!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Reviews for "Quest", August 2014

Here are some reviews for "Quest for the Eagle-eye Amulet" from readers at Goodreads.com...

Loved it! I read this whole book in one day and night because I didn’t want to put it down! It is so easy to read and get sucked into. I love this author’s writing style, because she is so clever with many things… words, names, descriptions, powers, creatures, conflicts, characters… I could go on and on. I’d been in a bit of a reading rut lately where several books ended up in my DNF pile because I was so BORED. So I was thrilled to read one that not only captured my attention and imagination from the very beginning, but held it all the way through. Even though this book takes place after the events of the one before it (WEAVERWORLD) I feel like someone can read this one, “The Quest of the Eagle-Eye Amulet” and still have a good sense of what’s going on and not be confused. But why deny yourself the opportunity to read an awesome book? Read “Weaverworld: Grimsnipe’s Revenge”, and then read this one… you will love them both!! (5 stars). Carla Biggins; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

Right away we are pulled into the magical world, and the author does a great job of refreshing us on the main events of the prior novel. So it does work as a standalone, but trust me it’s worth reading the first if you haven’t already. It really adds to the depth of the storyline and the characters. Definitely recommend for YA and MG readers who like fantasy, action/adventure, but it also will appeal to adults as well. (5 stars). Sophia Renee; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers
I could see this being a movie or TV series. And even though the main character is younger, it had an intelligence and complexity to it that will satisfy the older readers as well. There is action, high stakes, emotional investment, danger, and everything else that keeps one turning the pages. A meaty book coming in at over 400 pages, but I enjoyed every bit of it. (4.5 stars) Cory Banyan; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

The author Julia Rohan has a real strength in creating imaginative ideas and visions that are refreshingly original. Enjoyed the action-packed scenes and the fact that our hero is challenge in genuine ways that don’t feel totally contrived. There are thematic similarities here with other “big” books, but it stands well on its own and has its own identity. I was pleased to see this story continue on, and would be interested in reading further to see what else Jack and Co. has in store for us. (4 stars). James Masters; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

Like the other book, this one reminded me of a great mash up of plenty of classic faves, such as “Harry Potter”, “Chronicles of Narnia”, and of course it pays nice homage to “The Wizard of Oz” which I thought was a great touch. Enjoyed this as much as the first book and think it will be a big win with anyone who likes a creative, well-written fantasy adventure book. (5 stars). Karen Matthews; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

… this author is so freakin’ creative and she impresses me with her ability to create such vivid and freshly original scenes and characters in a genre where everything has been done to death (or so it seems). (3 stars). Darla Ortiz; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

What I loved most about this book was that it wasn’t cliché or predictable in the way that many are. I’m an older reader and I read A LOT so I’m always double impressed when I read a book from an author that feels both fresh and cohesive in the way this book does, especially in relation to the first one. I feel like it expanded on the previous novel and made it “bigger” if that makes sense. The ending wraps up nicely, and although was quite bittersweet, the door seems to be open for future installments… and I hope there are! Appropriate for ages middle grade and up. (5 stars). Claire Middleton; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

It is a very cool concept, and one that the author Julia Rohan pulls off with remarkable credibility. The ‘rules’ of the world are clear and we understand the ways it is different from ours. The author does a good job of describing the world and the characters. The editing was top notch, and the dialogue between the characters was authentic and fast paced. If you haven’t read the first book its okay because we are quickly brought up to speed with the premise and the main players, as well as what happened before. I have to say it had been some time since I read the first book, but I never felt lost or confused. “The Quest for the Eagle Eye Amulet” was just as enticing, creative, and engrossing as its predecessor, and I was sad to see it end… I hope this series continues! Recommended for ages 12 and up. (5 stars). Stacy Decker; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

Loved it! I read this whole book in one day and night because I didn’t want to put it down! It is so easy to read and get sucked into. I love this author’s writing style, because she is so clever with many things… words, names, descriptions, powers, creatures, conflicts, characters… I could go on and on. I’d been in a bit of a reading rut lately where several books ended up in my DNF pile because I was so BORED. So I was thrilled to read one that not only captured my attention and imagination from the very beginning, but held it all the way through. Even though this book takes place after the events of the one before it (WEAVERWORLD) I feel like someone can read this one, “The Quest of the Eagle-Eyed Amulet” and still have a good sense of what’s going on and not be confused. But why deny yourself the opportunity to read an awesome book? Read “Weaverworld: Grimsnipe’s Revenge”, and then read this one… you will love them both!! (5 stars). Carla Biggins; Goodreads, Librarything, Shelfari, B&N; Indie Book Reviewers

Monday, June 23, 2014

Photos from the Knowlton launch of "Quest for the Eagle-eye Amulet"

The first "official" launch of the second book in the Weaverworld series took place on June 21, 2014 at Brome Lake Books in Knowlton, Quebec.
This beautiful little independent bookstore is run by life partners Danny McAuley and Lucy Hoblyn. The store overlooks the Mill Pond, and when you step onto the veranda you can hear the water falling over the dam. Often their dog is sleeping behind the counter. Danny and Lucy share their duties in the store as well as the raising of their 3 boys (the eldest just graduated high school). They are very supportive of local talent, devoting a whole section in the store to CDs by local musicians.
Launching my second book, two years after the first, was an exciting time for me. Thank you to everyone who came to share the moment.

And guess who happened to drop in? International best-selling author Louise Penny, who graciously allowed herself to be photographed holding my book. (No endorsement implied!) Louise launched her first book in the Inspector Gamache mystery series right here in Brome Lake Books several years ago. She is now at work on her 11th book - and gaining new fans every day.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Book Launch for "Quest" set for June 21/14

The second book in the Weaverworld series will be officially launched at Brome Lake Books in Knowlton, QC on Saturday, June 21 at 1:00 pm. Though the book was written for kids in the 9 to 14 age bracket, many adults have been looking forward to reading the sequel too. For info, contact the author at jkrohan@gmail.com.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

"QUEST FOR THE EAGLE-EYE AMULET" finally in production!

To all those who've been asking me when it will be available, here's the news.

Book two in the Weaverworld series, "Quest for the Eagle-eye Amulet", is currently in production. That means the book designers are at work creating the layout and cover, and preparing a draft copy for me to proofread. This process may take a few weeks or more, but I think I can safely say that a Knowlton-area book launch is imminent!

Though book two was actually written quite some time ago, it needed to be completely reworked due to changes made during the rewriting of book one. "Quest" is an ambitious story, with lots of new places, characters, and adventures, so I hope you'll find it worth the wait.

If you'd like to pre-order a signed copy of the book, the hardcover will be about $35 and the paperback will be around $25, taxes included. You can send me a message at jkrohan@gmail.com

I can't show you the cover yet since they're working on it, but I can show you where I do my writing. This is where my flights of fancy begin. Note the presence of moose (top left), raven (top right), polar bear mandala (blue painting in centre), full waste basket and tattered dog toy on the floor. All of these things are essential to my creativity!