"Rohan combines all the elements of basic fantasy -- a young hero, mentors, villains, something to be saved, special powers and, of course, magical creatures -- with great storytelling that appeals to a wide audience." KIRKUS REVIEWS

Friday, June 21, 2013

My visit to Sutton School, June 18, 2013

I had a great time with the Grade 5-6 class at Sutton School this week. Teacher Mrs. Canzani invited me to come and speak with her class about Weaverworld; Grimsnipe's Revenge, which has been out since April of last year. I am currently at work on book 2 of the series, tentatively entitled "Weaverworld: Quest for the Eagle-eye Amulet".

As always, the students were attentive and asked good questions. They were especially interested in the book's cover and how the artwork for it evolved. When I read a segment of a chapter out loud, one little girl expressed her disappointment that I hadn't read the full chapter!

Thank you to Mrs. Canzani and her son Miles, who was also in attendance, for asking some interesting questions too. Best of luck to you all with your future writing projects!