"Rohan combines all the elements of basic fantasy -- a young hero, mentors, villains, something to be saved, special powers and, of course, magical creatures -- with great storytelling that appeals to a wide audience." KIRKUS REVIEWS

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A teacher reviews Weaverworld, and Julia's school visit

This lovely review of my visit to a school late last year is much appreciated!

"On Novemer 14, 2012 the grades 5, 6 and 7 classes of Heroes’ Memorial School thoroughly enjoyed a visit from local author Julia Rohan, author of Weaverworld: Grimsnipe’s Revenge.  Ms. Rohan had previously donated a copy of Weaverworld to our school library.  Up to that point none of our students had read the book, but were eager to do so after meeting with Ms. Rohan and learning of the book’s plotline.

Ms. Rohan has an easygoing manner that put the students at ease right away.  As she discussed how she came to write this particular book, the students were very impressed with the fact that she had been inspired by many of the books they themselves have enjoyed.  This led students to ask many questions about other books she had read and enjoyed.   The students took special note of how Ms. Rohan approaches the writing process, as some of them have dreams of writing novels of their own someday.  These budding young authors displayed a great deal of enthusiasm for the suggestion that Ms. Rohan return to our school to lead a small writer’s workshop in the future.

We all eagerly anticipate the release of Ms. Rohan’s next installment of Weaverworld, and students in my class continue to mention Ms. Rohan’s visit often during our writer’s workshop.  It was a wonderful presentation and we look forward to having Ms. Rohan return to visit us in the future."

 Lisa Bates, Heroes’ Memorial
Teacher, Grade 6