"Rohan combines all the elements of basic fantasy -- a young hero, mentors, villains, something to be saved, special powers and, of course, magical creatures -- with great storytelling that appeals to a wide audience." KIRKUS REVIEWS

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A teacher's review of the "Weaverworld" school presentation

"My students have been talking about your visit with us, and those with the book have been devouring it. I have already had to warn one of my students not to let slip any of the details for the rest of us. As well, it was very helpful for my students to hear about how you saw the book in your head as if it were a movie, and you were simply writing it down on paper. We discussed the next day about how difficult it can be sometimes to get what they see out onto the paper. My colleagues and I want to thank you again for coming in, and if it is possible, we would gladly welcome you back to do a writers' workshop with some of our students whenever you are ready to do so."
L. Bates, Heroes' Memorial

Monday, November 19, 2012

A warm welcome from Heroes' Memorial Elementary!

I visited Heroe's Memorial Elementary on November 13, 2012 and had a wonderful time meeting the students there and telling them about "Weaverworld".
Heroes' Grades 5 and 5/6

As with previous presentations, I began by telling them a little bit about myself and how I came to write the "Weaverworld" series. The students were especially interested in knowing what inspired me to write the books and how long it took (9 years, so far!).

Heroes' Grades 6 and 7

Many thanks to Lisa Bates and the other teachers for welcoming me to the school. And of course, thanks to all the students for listening so attentively and asking such great questions.
P.S. For those who are still looking for copies of the book, they are available at Brome Lake Books in Knowlton and at Libraire le livre d'or in Sutton. For those who don't live in Brome Missisquoi, you may order a copy from your local bookstore, or purchase copies online at all online retailers (Amazon, Chapters/Indigo, etc.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My visit to Sherbrooke Elementary School

My apologies to the students at Sherbrooke Elementary for taking so long with this post. Since I visited the school on October 17/12 I moved to a new house and have been busy unpacking and getting organized. However, I'm finally ready to update my blog and want to begin by telling everyone what a wonderful time I had at Sherbrooke Elementary!

Everyone was very friendly and welcoming, and the kids were amazing! Attentive and interested, they asked some fantastic questions. Then, after my visit, several of them ordered their own copies of "Weaverworld: Grimsnipe's Revenge" which I was happy to sign.

Hopefully Book Two in the Weaverworld series will be out next spring, so maybe I'll come back to tell you about that one. Meanwhile, good luck to all of you with your own writing!
Best wishes,
Julia K. Rohan