"Rohan combines all the elements of basic fantasy -- a young hero, mentors, villains, something to be saved, special powers and, of course, magical creatures -- with great storytelling that appeals to a wide audience." KIRKUS REVIEWS

Monday, May 28, 2012

And the winners are...!

Before the launch I held a contest on my Facebook author page (www.facebook.com/juliakrohan) offering a free copy of "Weaverworld: Grimsnipe's Revenge" to someone who wrote a well-worded reason for wanting to read the book. As it turns out there were two winners: Tammy Hadlock of Cowansville and Jody Murray Meacher, a teacher from Granby.

Tammy was unable to make it to the launch, but Jody was there to receive her signed book. She has invited me to come to her school in Granby to speak to her students about the writing process...which I will be thrilled to do because I love talking! (as my husband can attest...)

Thank you again to everyone who attended the launch!

Jody Murray Meacher is a Grade 4 teacher in Granby, QC

Weaverworld now in local school librairies

One of my goals as a writer is to encourage young people to love books and reading. To this end, I'm making "Weaverworld: Grimsnipe's Revenge" available to the elementary schools in the Brome-Missisquoi area where I live so that every child, regardless of circumstances, will be able to read it.

Lisa Bates receives her copy of the book
on behalf of Heroes' Memorial in Cowansville

Amber Edgington (centre) and her reading coach
Claire Kerrigan from Knowlton Academy

Rebecca Enright from Farnham Elementary

Photos from the Weaverworld launch, May 26, 2012

Weaverworld's official launch took place at Brome Lake Books in Knowlton, QC.I was so excited to see friends and new faces there to share in the 'birth' of my 'baby'.Here are a few photos from the event...

Danny McAuley, co-owner of Brome Lake Books,
introduces Frances Gallagher
An attentive audience...
Frances Gallagher, who gave me
invaluable editing advice

....as I read an excerpt from the book...

A very happy newly-hatched author

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The first Weaverworld game: Match the actors to the characters!

Weaverworld has several characters who came alive for me during the writing process when I began picturing them as famous actors. The names of the characters and actors are listed below. Read the book and see if you can figure out who plays who in my imaginary movie. Then use the Comment button below to post your answer. The one who posts the first correct answer will receive a prize (to be announced). If you'd like to post your own ideas for character-actor matches, feel free. All sincere suggestions welcome!

The Characters:
Dr. Penelope Neith
Peter Bellamy
Aladdeus Gaelblade
Lily Windhover
Lester Grandiflore (Grimsnipe)

The Actors:
Sean Connery
Johnny Depp
Judy Dench
Penelope Cruz
Orlando Bloom

Sunday, May 20, 2012

SADD makes me happy

Last night it was my privilege and honour to be invited as a 'special guest' to the annual "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" event organized by the marvellous Mable Hastings of the Mansonville Youth Centre. Mable had seen the article about Weaverworld in one of the local papers and was sure that the kids would be interested in knowing more about it and about how one goes about writing a book.

During dinner the young people, aged 12 to 27, peppered me with questions. The older ones belong to FYI, a dedicated group of alumni who return to Mansonville from time to time to coach and mentor the younger kids in SADD. One girl at our table named Starr is currently working on her Phd in Chemistry, while the youngest, Kayla, is in Grade 7. Also at our table was Julia (a nurse), Tom (a budding artist), Jessie (whose leadership skills have yet to find a permanent home) and Simeon (who likes trucks and motorcycles). Like intrepid interviewers they wanted to know it all and I can't remember when I've had so much fun. Mind you, I'm pretty passionate about Weaverworld and its characters so it's not hard for me to talk about!

After dinner we (my husband Ted joined me for the evening) were treated to four amazingly clever and well-thought out presentations. The young people talked about the issues that concern them: drunk driving, drugs, unprotected sex, eating disorders, bullying, suicide and so on. They made us laugh and sometimes they moved us close to tears. When it was done we were treated to a video (with popcorn!) that showed photo clips of events and people involved with the SADD and FYI groups in Mansonville over the years. Many of the older ones have been involved with the group for over 20 years and keep coming back because they consider it their second family.

We want to thank Mable and all the wonderful kids who welcomed us so warmly and we hope to see them all again soon. These programs are always in need of financial support. For information please go to http://www.cabmn.org/about-cab.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Weaverworld deals with bullying

In "Weaverworld: Grimsnipe's Revenge" the main character Jack, who's 11 years old, starts out by envying a boy who is a bully. Even though he doubtless knows better, Jack is attracted to this boy because he comes from a wealthy family and seems 'untouchable'. But when Jack puts his faith in this relationship it instantly goes sour.

Even the parallel universe called Weaverworld is not immune. When Grimsnipe works his way through the barrier between the worlds, bullying starts showing up there too. Fortunately Jack has already begun to see bullying for what it is: an inhumane act where the weak (or should we say 'gentle'?) are preyed upon by the strong (or should we say 'lacking a conscience'?)

The video below is the trailer for a movie called "Bully" which in my opinion should be compulsory viewing for elementary school kids everywhere. This isn't just a kids' issue because unchecked, bullies may grow up to be even more dangerous...

BULLY (Official Trailer) Playing Everywhere